We can optimize WordPress for productivity by using AI plugins. They make it easier to customize the content, personalize responses to questions, accelerate the conversion of leads into customers, automate routine tasks, improve engagements, and provide critical insight gleaned from user behaviour. Using AI can make or break the success of your WordPress site. The best AI-powered add-ons can improve the site's performance, security, and time. 

Furthermore, WordPress plugins are used for technical support, search engine optimization, and content curation of the previously published content. This article discusses the various applications of WordPress plugins that use AI.

Here are eight AI-powered WordPress plugins.


Akismet is one of only two plugins pre-installed on all WordPress sites. It detects spam comments by using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Utilized by millions of websites, Akismet has evolved to detect nearly all bot-submitted spam. By learning from its errors and recognizing patterns across millions of websites, it can also identify spam comments manually submitted by actual human users.


Alter automates the process of increasing visitor engagement and pageviews with AI-powered content recommendations. It generates ten times more engagement than conventional "related posts" plugins and offers automated solutions, manual override options, custom branding, and measurable outcomes. 


The E-MAILiT service facilitates connectivity and modifies how internet content is shared. Re-inventing Share Buttons creates a new user experience by rapidly increasing web traffic and revenue. Once the plugin is installed, website visitors can share any Internet content with friends via Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and more than 160 other social networking sites and messaging apps.

Google Language Translator

The simplest way to allow users to easily translate the content of your website without actually building a multilingual WordPress site is to use Google Language Translator. Your WordPress website now features Google's AI and machine learning translation engine.

You can easily choose which languages to show on your website. The translator can then be added to your website using a shortcode or sidebar widget.

Quttera Web Malware Scanner

The Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin detects malware, trojans, backdoors, worms, viruses, shells, spyware, and other threats on the website. It also looks for JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code, and other things. It also looks to see if Google or other blocklisting authorities have blocked the website.


Recomendo is yet another recommendation engine powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. It can display related content on your website in any location. The recommendations improve as your users interact with them.

It is compatible with WPML-enabled multilingual websites and WooCommerce-enabled online stores, which means it can show users related products based on what they have already seen on your site.


WatsonFinds analyzes the emotional impact of your content using IBM Watson's cognitive artificial intelligence. This plugin teaches you how to increase user engagement by modifying the emotional value of your content.

When you activate the plugin, a WatsonFinds icon appears in your WordPress post editor. In addition, a popup with your content's emotional score will appear when you click on it. The plugin will show insights into how your content may feel to your human readers based on the words you choose and the overall context of the data.


WordLift incorporates its web-based service into your WordPress site. Utilizing their knowledge graph, it provides SEO advice for enhancing your content.

It analyzes your content to provide facts, figures, and media to match and construct contextual relationships between your articles, resulting in improved content recommendations. It generates a knowledge graph for your website that becomes more intelligent as you add more content.

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