
IIIT Hyderabad

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Location India

College Profile

International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH) is an autonomous university, founded as a not-for-profit public private partnership (N-PPP) in 1998, and is the first IIIT in India under this model. Over the years, the institute has evolved strong research programmes in various areas, with an emphasis on technology and applied research for industry and society. The institute facilitates interdisciplinary research and a seamless flow of knowledge. Several world-renowned centres of excellence are part of IIITH’s research portfolio. It has established various joint collaboration and co-innovation models with an industry outreach spanning significant national and multinational companies. Its innovative curriculum allows students the flexibility of selecting their courses and projects. Apart from academics the institute provides students with a comprehensive environment that promotes art and culture, sports, societal contributions and self-governance. Even undergraduate students get to participate in ongoing research and technology development - an opportunity unprecedented in India. As a result, a vibrant undergraduate programme co-exists along with a strong postgraduate programme.

Top Courses in AI

  • IIIT-H announced country-wide roll-out of its executive programmes on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), block-chain and digital ledger technologies, in association with TalentSprint
  • Advanced certification program by IIIT-H machine learning lab for tech professionals across India and abroad for 18 weeks or 13 weeks
  • Advanced certification program by IIIT-H block-chain CoE for tech professionals across India and abroad for 18 weeks, 60 sessions and 12 hours

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Key Intiatives

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