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Founded 2016
People 42
Location Karnataka , India
Sector Healthcare

Start up Profile

One of the most common method to diagnose the earliest signs of cancer is Thermography. However, interpreting a thermal image can be error prone as there are about 4,00,000 colour points for every person. Niramai offers solutions which enables automated analysis and in better interpretation of thermal images, using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This can save lots of time and give more accurate results.

Niramai or Non-Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine Intelligence has developed an early breast cancer detection technology that is a radiation-free and non-invasive. The solution is based on thermal imaging and is portable, accurate, and can be used for women of all ages. 

The company provides its solution broadly into two categories: a screening operation solution, an enterprise solution. In the screening service solution, the company works with NGOs and government bodies for breast cancer screening-related programs.In an enterprise solution, it provides management solution for diagnostics centers and hospitals, working on a revenue share basis where Niramai receives the payment as and when Thermalytix is used for breast cancer screening.



Thermalytix detects abnormalities in the body. The solution uses a high-resolution thermal sensing device and an analytics solution for analyzing the thermal images. Its SaaS solution uses big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for reliable, early and accurate breast cancer screening.


SMILE (Software with Machine Intelligence for Life Enhancement) is web interface for the Niramai technician to upload demography information about the patients along with their thermal images. The solution automatically generates a report that lists unique parameters obtained from patient thermal images and also recommends a breast health score.

Automated FeverTest for COVID19 Screening

Facial Temperature of all people walking into a facility is measured remotely using a remote thermal camera. A thermal camera measures the infrared radiation emitted from the body and gives the temperature distribution on the skin. NIRAMAI Computer Vision technique uses AI based techniques to identify faces of people and measure their temperature to detect suspected fever. Suspected patients can be further subjected to NIRAMAI AI-based chest imaging test to confirm their respiratory condition before sending them to a full COVID19 diagnosis.


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Geetha Manjunath


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Nidhi Mathur


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