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The world as we know it is changing because of artificial intelligence. Every industry, like Finance, national security, healthcare, criminal justice, transportation, and smart cities, has been impacted. AI frequently gathers information from sensors, digital data, remote inputs, and several other sources to analyze it and finally operate with "human accuracy."
The use of AI outside the computer industry is still in its early, frequently exploratory stages. AI also presents problems with how businesses are conducted post-adoption. When it comes to PR and marketing, where AI is used more regularly, the workforce needs to be upskilled to cooperate rather than compete. There is also another puzzle with AI, which makes it possible for automobiles to drive themselves, threatens to invade our privacy, hurts business efficiency, and much more. It poses a challenge to the PR sector due to the sensitivity of the data we handle for our clients.
Effectively integrating AI will have a significant positive impact on the global economy in the future. With AI learning to produce speech in 2022, thanks to the introduction of DALL-E and GPT-3 tools, some of the most miraculous successes. AI will also make it possible for smaller PR companies to take on projects that more giant conglomerates often handle, which could be achieved through the help of automated lists of leads and a larger view of the market. In contrast to late adopters, who will undoubtedly experience economic deterioration, early PR and marketing adopters integrating AI into their systems within the next 5-7 years benefit from improved productivity levels.
According to a 2019 World Intellectual Property Organization report, the number of patents devoted to AI research increased drastically between 2013 and 2016. It blatantly suggests a change from theoretical analysis to actual implementation starting in 2019, hinting at even wider acceptance. According to some estimates, AI could quadruple the global economic growth rate by 2035 and boost GDP by 14% by 2030.
We will soon see an AI craze in which billions of dollars get invested in extravagant party launches, business people positioning themselves as AI enthusiasts, and start-ups competing with one another to integrate AI. So, which sector will not edge closer to AI? The first "killer app" for generative text is now AI-powered copywriting, which also offers spectacular revenue growth. This year, Jasper, a top app in this category, will generate $75 billion in revenue. But aside from all other fields, AI has already entered, such as law, commerce, customer service, healthcare, cybersecurity, journalism, and more, copywriting is just the beginning.
The public keeps a careful eye on everything, and massive companies like Microsoft and Amazon are gradually entering the fray with their separate AI patents, GitHub and CodeWhisperer. Although these items are still very new on the market, we are still determining how revolutionary they will be for us. Will AI ever be capable of creating complete contracts on its own? Will it have the capacity to reply to professional emails? Yes, to answer briefly. Since its founding in 1956, artificial intelligence has advanced dramatically. It could completely disrupt PR communication and marketing, which could completely transform our standard way of communicating. It will be more adept at everything we do as humans.
Photo by <a href="">DeepMind</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>