With the developments in technology, devices are getting automated every day. For example, camera-embedded devices are popular in security enhancements within organizations and public spaces. The role played by AI in this segment is not little. 

Organizations like Amazon leverage Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) in their warehouses. Cameras in these robots' aid in connecting with the outer world. The e-con systems are an OEM camera company that builds cameras and supports the development of AMRs. AI-powered cameras detect obstacles and control the smooth movement of the robot. 

The company also has a startup, VisAI Labs, that accelerates the real-world adoption of edge AI Computer Vision applications by providing a practical approach led by engineers and industry experts.  

"The recent model developed by VisAI Labs can detect the length, breadth and height of any box. It has numerous applications in logistics", says Maharajan Veerabahu, Co-Founder & Vice President of Product Design Services of the e-con Systems.  

Embedded vision cameras transform sectors from manufacturing and agriculture to sports. For example, stores for autonomous shopping are rigged with cameras that detect the product picked by the customer. Similarly, autonomous broadcasting of sports is utilized by broadcasting companies. It brings down the cost and time consumed for live streaming. 

Embedded vision systems and telemedicine 

Telemedicine is used to denote clinical service delivered by a registered medical practitioner. In a rural area lacking infrastructure facilities, conducting a basic diagnosis can be arduous. The e-con systems worked with their US partners and developed a vision-embedded camera. 

When the sample collected is mixed with the reagent for diagnosis, the camera captures the whole process in high quality and detects the medical condition. The high-resolution images captured by the camera are sent back to the lab technician for cross-verification.  

"With 5G applications coming, even remote operations will be possible", says Mr. Maharajan Veerabahu. Researchers around the world are developing vision-embedded surgical devices for effectively conducting operations. 

A major challenge in a country like India is a lack of laboratory and testing facilities in remote villages. According to Maharajan Veerabahu, AI cannot replace an actual laboratory or doctor, but it can effectively complete the first screening level. "Out of five, if an AI suspects abnormalities in 3 samples, they can be sent for a full checkup. Then, we can start giving them preventive medication early," he says. 

Taking care of the elderly 

With embedded vision cameras, looking after the older generation with health challenges is no longer an issue. For example, with algorithms inbuilt into cameras, falls can be detected. Similarly, they raise alarm using the patient monitoring system if a person is in an abnormal condition.  

"Patient monitoring system which functions using AI, are very common in the west", says Mr. Maharajan Veerabahu. "I believe that additional sensors will start getting connected to it". 


Issues of data privacy and security are the primary concern. Most data privacy problems happen when the collected results are available in the cloud. Embedded vision systems are a game changer in this area since the issues are resolved within the box.  

Maharjan Veerabahu believes that in the future, AI-powered cameras will be a part of every electronic device- from the kitchen and home appliances to automobiles. "With its incorporation in every product, these devices are becoming extremely intelligent", he added.  

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