We are currently living in a world where AI is present in everything. The question of whether an AI can write a novel has been asked several times. It is not just about the ability to generate text but also the ability to create compelling and engaging plots.  

AI-novel writing software is still at a stage of development, and it is hard for them to create engaging plots, making novel writing a challenge. However, some use cases have used AI writing software successfully, such as generating content for online courses. 

Some might think that the quality of a written work might diminish if not written by a human. This is not entirely true. 

One of the first experimental AI-written novels turned up in 2017. It was called ‘1 the road’. The novel was an experiment by Ross Goodwin. Goodwin wrote the novel as he drove from New York to New Orleans. He was accompanied by a laptop-based AI hooked up to various sensors. 

By the end of the journey, Goodwin left the text unedited. He even found a publisher- Jean Boîte Editions. However, due to the errors present in the text, he wanted to use the work for future studies. 

Writing blogs with AI 

AI assistants are websites that promise to write your blog content. The writer has to enter the key phrases and shape the direction of the content.  

However, the user needs to know that AI writing can stand against facts. It cannot search for pictures and videos that lift the story. So, a human touch is a requirement. An AI works with the support of the internet, and it distils facts from it. Unreliable facts on the internet can affect the story. 

However, it is essential to note that the tantalizing possibility of AI in the future is present. 

Writing a book with AI 

Writing a book is a task that requires time, dedication, and effort. With AI writing software, the process of novel writing becomes easier. AI novel writing software can be used to generate content ideas at scale and get rid of writer’s block. In addition, the software can be used to edit the novel and make it more readable.  

There is no complete book authoring software. However, there are tools to aid you in getting the job done. The major advantage of using AI novel writing software is that it frees up time, which can focus on other tasks.  

According to Bjorn Schuller, an associate professor in ML at Imperial College London, humans are great at context generation and lending their overall understanding of the world. In his opinion, machines’ Natural Language Understanding are not there yet. When a machine reads a research paper, they lack the context and sometimes does not get the gist of irony or sarcasm. They will fail at reading between the lines.

Emotional Intelligence 

In Schuller’s opinion, the gaps are diminishing, with emotional intelligence coming to the fore. Alongside, machines can exploit big and all sorts of knowledge databases that a human does not have the capacity to store. 

Therefore, the machines will have an advantage in exploiting more information. Moreover, when the novel AI conquers conversational skills, it can also learn creative skills. Then we enter the realm of AI-producing poems, short stories and novels. 

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