NLP and computer vision are high-demand AI subsets that most companies need today. They play a crucial role in creating products and services that benefit people at large and maintain a competitive edge. It is difficult for companies not to build computer vision capabilities in the digital era we are in. The world is standing on the verge of a behemoth revolution inspired by Artificial Intelligence.

However, not all organizations can afford to have AI expertise while focusing on their line of work. Moreover, the need for AI cannot be ruled out irrespective of the sector and industry. So what is the way out then?

Catering to this particular issue, various companies are focusing on helping businesses achieve an edge with AI by providing their AI expertise and providing a holistic solution. 

 Automaton AI is an AI software company that provides platforms for Computer Vision & ML Scientists to rapidly curate and experiment with their datasets in order to build higher-performing ML & DL models. The company delivers AI-powered software and technical solutions to businesses that want to leverage data and machine learning algorithms in businesses. The company has a mission to democratize data. 

The man behind the idea, Bhushan Muthiyan, is an Entrepreneur, Data Scientist, professional, and Engineer who is applying algorithmic models to ease business challenges by making cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence accessible to all. Muthiyan believes that his work shall help companies and teams in AI to create STRATEGIES and build business INNOVATION through smart adoptions of technology.

Automaton AI is catering to mid-size businesses in generating breakthroughs by providing services around designing and developing AI infrastructure. The company started operations in 2019 started with services like data labelling and AI consultation. The company later moved to create ADVIT, a deep learning platform. ADVIT has capabilities like data organization and tracking, integration with client software stack, data labelling QA on run time, and more.

Automation AI provides solutions like data labelling, which is a highly tedious and time-consuming task in setting up Machine Learning or Deep Learning Projects.

About 83% of the time spent on AI projects goes into gathering, cleansing, and labelling data. This wrangle of data uses the crucial time of your data scientists, researchers, and data labellers which is expensive.

ADVIT’s data labelling solution can be combined with an existing data pipeline for businesses. The white-labelled annotation platform at the enterprise level has proven to be extremely useful in streamlining data pipelines in-house. Custom DL models can be integrated & visualized on run-time to create the most accurate model for your data using our model integration API. ADVIT provides a completely scalable, end-to-end deep learning framework. 

Talking about the clientele, Muthiyan said, “Almost every data scientist is looking for a solution like this so that they can focus on the specific problem they are working on in accordance to their business model. They can focus on high priority work like model optimisation or deployment on the edge devices.”

The company currently is catering to retail, banking & finance, healthcare, insurance, agriculture, automotive, construction, smart city, hospitality, and smart cities. Currently, the company is mainly focusing on videos and images; however, the company will soon be coming with text and audio processing.

The highest demand currently comes from retail, defence, manufacturing and construction, and agriculture. The company is also building its capabilities to get into the autonomous vehicles sector.

The company has another product, ADAPT AI, which empowers data scientists to work on projects in a structured and competent manner. The tool accomplishes key machine learning tasks that earlier took weeks and months in just a matter of minutes or hours.

By delivering automatic feature engineering, model validation, model tuning, model selection and deployment, machine learning interpretability, time-series and automatic pipeline generation for model scoring, ADAPT AI provides companies with an extensible customizable data science platform that addresses the needs of a variety of use cases for every enterprise in every industry.

The company is set to expand both globally and domestically. The company is also setting up state-of-the-art AI labs across various universities using the product ADVIT. These labs are aimed to be used by professors, students, and universities collaboratively research, develop and innovate around AI.

While we talk about the AI revolution, such initiatives form the backbone of a sturdy AI ecosystem. AI is now undeniably instrumental in the growth of every sector and industry. The right skilling and right foundation set today shall reap us great benefits in the future. This will also encourage more young people to come up with transformational AI-based solutions.

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