Constraint satisfaction is a problem-solving technique in which the values of a problem satisfy certain constraints or rules of the problem. This technique leads to a better understanding of the problem's structure and complexity.

CSPs represent problem entities as a homogeneous collection of finite constraints over variables, solved using constraint satisfaction methods. CSPs are being studied in both artificial intelligence and operations research because the regularity in their formulation provides a common foundation for analyzing and solving problems from many seemingly unrelated families. 

CSPs are frequently complex, necessitating a combination of heuristics and combinatorial search methods to solve in a reasonable amount of time. Constraint programming (CP) is a field of study focusing on addressing these problems. 


  • the satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), 
  • mixed integer programming (MIP), and 
  • answer set programming (ASP) 

The above three are all fields of research focusing on resolving specific forms of the constraint satisfaction problem.

Tutorials for CP, ASP, Boolean SAT, and SMT solvers are frequently included. In general, constraint problems can be considerably more complex and may not be expressible because of these simpler systems. Automated planning, lexical disambiguation, musicology, product configuration, and resource allocation are examples of "real life."

As a decision problem, the existence of a solution to a CSP can be viewed. It can be determined by locating a solution or failing to locate one after an exhaustive search (stochastic algorithms typically never reach a specific conclusion, while directed searches often do, on sufficiently small problems). Sometimes, we may know beforehand that the CSP has solutions through another mathematical inference process.

Typically, constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains are solved through a type of search. Variants of backtracking, constraint propagation, and local search are the most common techniques. Additionally, these techniques are frequently combined, as in the VLNS method, and current research employs different technologies, such as linear programming.

Backtracking algorithm

Generally, the backtracking algorithm is recursive. It maintains an incomplete variable assignment. Here, all variables are initially unassigned. At each step, a variable is selected, and all possible values are subsequently assigned to it. 

After attempting all possible values, the algorithm retraces its steps. Consistency in this fundamental backtracking algorithm is defined as the satisfaction of all constraints whose variables are all assigned. 

There are numerous variations of backtracking. 

  • Backmarking increases the efficiency of consistency checks. 
  • Backjumping permits saving a portion of the search by backtracking "more than one variable" in certain instances. 
  • Constraint learning infers and stores new constraints that we can use in the future to circumvent a portion of the search. 
  • Backtracking frequently uses look-ahead to attempt to predict the effects of selecting a variable or a value.


Techniques for constraint propagation are used to modify a constraint satisfaction problem. Specifically, they are methods that enforce local consistency, which are conditions related to the consistency of a set of variables and constraints. Constraint propagation has multiple applications. First, it converts an equivalent problem into one that is typically easier to solve. It may also demonstrate the satisfiability or unsatisfiability of difficulties. It is not guaranteed to occur in general; however, it is always the case for certain types of constraint propagation and problems. Arc consistency, hyper-arc consistency, and path consistency are the most common forms of local consistency. The AC-3 algorithm enforces arc consistency and is the most popular constraint propagation method.

Local search strategies are insufficient satisfiability algorithms. They may discover a solution but fail even if the problem is solvable. They perform their duties by iteratively enhancing a complete assignment over the variables. The objective is to increase the number of constraints satisfied by this assignment at each stage by modifying a small number of variables. Based on this principle, the min-conflicts algorithm is a local search algorithm explicitly designed for CSPs. Local search appears to function well when arbitrary decisions influence these modifications. Combining search and local search has led to the development of hybrid algorithms.

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