The potential of artificial intelligence to save lives through cutting edge analysis, far beyond human capabilities, has been realised and deployed by public agencies to improve safety of the citizens. Here are five such use cases from India that prove how effective AI can be to boost public safety.

  • AI video surveillance platform for prisons: In a first for India, Uttar Pradesh has deployed an AI-enabled video analytics platform "Jarvis" in 70 prisons to monitor inmates. UP Police and Staqu have implemented JARVIS Video Wall to monitor real time footage from CCTV cameras across a vast network and then flag any segment that looks to contain unlawful activity. The platform runs Real Time video data analysis from over 700 cameras installed across 70 prisons in UP with 24/7 data feeds. Key UP Police officials access Mobile App for Real Time insights on potential threats covering 900 km area across parameters like violence, unauthorised intrusions, illegal mobile phone and weapons. Read more...
  • Smart RoboCop for police department: In December 2017, the Telangana Police launched a Smart RoboCop equipped with cameras, GPS, and sensors including ultrasonic readers, proximity sensors, and temperature sensors. They were developed by H-Bots Robotics, a Hyderabad-based company, with the help of AI technology. The robot is designed to assist the police in managing law and order and traffic. The robot can take care of security at selected spots such as malls, airports, and other public places. It can also recognize people, take complaints, detect bombs, identify suspects, interact with people, and answer people’s queries. The robot has inbuilt technology such as thermal imaging, emergency flashlights and has an automatic charging dock station. Read more...
  • Predictive Policing Software: The Government of Maharashtra, in 2015, introduced a ₹800 crore plan (consisting five major projects) to secure the cyberspace in the state. The initiative included the development of a software which would help the police department in predicting, preventing and detecting cybercrimes in real time. The software is based on an algorithm which uses AI and big data analytics to create an exhaustive database of crime using open source information on the internet. The software will help the police in obtaining points for location, type of event and probable gang before any incident. Read more...
  • AI-powered mobile application for road-related public complaints: In October 2018, the Government of Haryana and CivilCops signed a deal to develop an AI solution for analyzing road-related public complaints. CivilCops will develop an application to replace the existing Harpath app for road-related grievances in the state. The new application will use AI to automate the process of receiving and analyzing complaints from the citizens using chat and voice interfaces, thus reducing manpower and cost involved in the process. CivilCops will integrate the chat interface on Facebook Messenger platform which will allow the citizens to search for a department or scan a QR code that will generate an automated messaging popup. Read more...
  • Street Light monitoring system: Monitoring the functioning of street lights and timely replacement of failed components are crucial aspects for public safety. The task becomes easier with an AI-based street light monitoring system. Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency (TNeGA) is in the process of developing an IoT based automated smart street monitoring system to detect street light failures in real-time. While many companies offer commercial monitorial solutions, they are very costly and require intrusive sensors. TNeGA is designing a cost-effective solution that does not require replacing existing lamps or poles. With low-cost sensors and with the help of open source technology, this will provide high accuracy and low error rates. The solution will be easy to deploy and low on maintenance. Read more...

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