Transformers were launched by a Google Brain team in 2017 and replaced RNN models, such as long short-term memory (LSTM), as the model of choice for NLP challenges. It is primarily utilized in the natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision industries.

Like recurrent neural networks (RNNs), transformers are meant to interpret sequential input data, such as natural language, and have translation and text summarization applications. Unlike RNNs, however, transformers process the total input at once. In addition, the attention mechanism gives context for each input sequence location. As a result, it permits greater parallelization than RNNs, reducing training durations. 

Before transformers, most cutting-edge NLP systems relied on gated RNNs with extra attention mechanisms, such as LSTMs and gated recurrent units (GRUs). Transformers also utilize attention mechanisms, but unlike RNNs, they lack a recurring structure. Nevertheless, given enough training data, attention mechanisms can match RNNs' performance with attention.

There's been a literal "tsunami" of interest in large language models. Large language models, or transformers, have nearly overhauled the whole area of natural language processing in just the past five years. Additionally, they have initiated a revolution in areas like computer vision and computational biology.

How do large language models work?

Large language models are deep-learning neural networks that can comprehend, analyze, and generate human language after being trained on enormous quantities of text. Natural language processing (NLP), a field of AI concerned with comprehending, interpreting, and producing natural language, can be used to classify LLMs.

During their training, LLMs are given a lot of data (billions of words) to help them find links and patterns in language. The language model tries to guess how likely the next word will be based on the words that came before it. When the model gets a question, it uses the probabilities (parameters) it learned during training to come up with an answer.

Transformers' Uniqueness

Positional encoding, attention, and self-attention are the three notions that enable these transformers to succeed where the RNN failed: positional encoding, attention, and self-attention.

Positional encoding

Positional encoding eliminates the need to process a sentence word by word. Instead, each word in the corpus is encoded with its text and placed within a sentence. It enables the model to be constructed in a distributed manner using mass parallelization and numerous CPUs.


Attention is an important term in machine translation. However, more is needed when translating a language to translate words. The procedure must recognize patterns of word placement in the training content's input and output sentences and replicate those patterns when translating new phrases. 


Self-attention is the method in a neural network by which features within the data are identified. For example, in challenges involving computer vision and convolutional neural networks (CNN), the neural network may identify features such as object edges and forms from unlabeled data and incorporate them into the model. Self-attention identifies similar patterns in unlabeled data representing elements of speech, grammar rules, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms in natural language processing (NLP). The retrieved features from the data are then used to improve the neural network's training for future processing.

Furthermore, multiple organizations have constructed large language models using these principles and transformers to do remarkable machine-learning tasks linked to natural language processing.

Leading transformer models

  • GPT-3 is the third iteration of this transformer model and is currently gaining momentum, with GPT-4 on the horizon shortly. It is a neural network with more than 175 billion machine-learning parameters.
  • The objective of the BERT model is to comprehend the context and meaning of words within a phrase. It can be utilized for semantic role labelling of words, sentence classification, and word disambiguation based on the context of the phrase.
  • Google created the T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) in 2019. This model differs from the BERT model in that it employs both an encoder and decoder so that its inputs and outputs are text strings. 


Many NLP challenges and use cases are being solved using these new and enhanced methodologies due to the transformer revolution we are experiencing. For example, it allows organizations to do text summarization, question answering, automatic text classification, text comparison, text and phrase prediction, natural language querying (including the voice search), and message blocking based on policy breaches more effectively (e.g., offensive or vulgar material, profanity).

Furthermore, as organizations gain experience with the efficacy of these new models, they will identify numerous other use cases and find methods to create value by incorporating them into existing and new products.

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