In a global trend, professionals across various fields, including software programmers in India, construction workers in Thailand, and bankers in Brazil, are embracing generative AI in their daily work.

This widespread adoption shows how deeply embedded AI has become in everyday tasks across different industries and nations. The usage of generative AI is now as natural as checking email in the morning or having a cup of coffee before starting the workday.

India stands out in this trend due to its high AI skills penetration, as reported by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This has led to a significant increase in the adoption of generative AI, with 83% of Indian employees using AI weekly.

This rate is higher than the 75% adoption reported in Slack's State of Work Report, indicating that India is at the forefront of integrating AI into various work tasks.

Usage of generative AI in jobs

According to their survey nearly one in three employees looking for new jobs cite AI disruption as a significant factor in their job search. These AI-influenced job seekers form a substantial portion of overall job seekers across the countries surveyed, contributing to the global pool of respondents who are searching for new employment opportunities for various reasons.

In certain countries, such as India and the UAE, surveyed employees believe that more than half of their own jobs could be automated. Additionally, over 40% of job-seeking employees in these regions attribute their job search to generative AI's impact. This trend suggests that AI's growing influence on the workforce is prompting many individuals to seek new career opportunities that may be less susceptible to automation.

The seamless integration of AI in India's workforce highlights the country's forward-thinking approach to leveraging technology for productivity and efficiency. This trend points to a growing global reliance on AI across diverse job sectors, suggesting a shift in how work is approached and completed in the modern world.

AI-generated financial advice surges

According to the 2015 S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey, only one-third of adults worldwide possess financial literacy, impeding their ability to make informed financial decisions. Many people struggle with anxiety when working with financial advisers due to concerns about judgment, confusion, and trustworthiness. Generative AI is now emerging as a trusted adviser, providing a solution to these fears and empowering consumers. 

The survey shows that 42% of respondents are willing to rely on generative AI for major financial decisions such as buying a home, paying for college, or saving for retirement. Additionally, 36% of respondents prefer generative AI over human advisers for financial advice and planning. This shift indicates a growing trust in AI as a means of guidance for complex financial matters.


The OliverWyman Forum's estimates suggest that generative AI has the potential to dramatically reshape the global economy, adding up to $20 trillion to global GDP by 2030 and saving 300 billion work hours annually. These extraordinary possibilities underline the transformative impact of AI on productivity and economic growth. 

With 96% of surveyed workers believing that generative AI can aid them in their jobs, there is widespread confidence in AI's ability to enhance work processes and deliver substantial benefits across diverse industries. As the world continues to embrace AI, its potential to drive innovation and efficiency in the workplace is poised to become increasingly significant.

Source: OliverWyman Forum

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Image source: Unsplash

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