In recent years, the usage of AI service robots has become more significant in determining how consumers experience products and services delivered. Customer experiences are becoming crucial for academics and practitioners as more hospitality service providers integrate AI service robots into their service delivery systems to increase productivity and sustainability. 

Some researchers looked into a wide range of issues concerning the use of social robots in service delivery. However, many found confusing and conflicting results about customers' reactions to using AI service robots in service delivery.  

Some studies revealed skepticism and potential concerns among customers over the usage of AI service robots. However, others reported favorable attitudes and visiting intentions toward hotels utilizing AI service robots in service delivery. 

AI in hospitality 

A research paper published on the MDPI website proposes that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and the subjective norms of AI service robots positively influence customer experience quality and perceived value perceptions in the service. It is determined by assessing the whole process of a customer experience, such as the customers' interactions with service providers and the service delivery environment. 

Similarly, experience quality provides customers various functional and emotional benefits, influencing customer satisfaction. The study adds that customers may believe that AI service robots are not worth their sacrifices to receive the service. In addition, previous studies have shown that consumer satisfaction and perceived value together predict consumer behavioral intention. 

Furthermore, according to the literature review conducted by the researchers of the study, Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and subjective norms are significant factors in customers' perceptions of experience quality and value. 

Analyzing the parameters 

The researchers tested the hypothesis using a quantitative approach. Initially, the survey instrument was developed, and later the pilot was tested. The finalized survey instrument was used to collect data from hotel customers who experienced hospitality services delivered by AI service robots.  

The study adopted a non-probability sampling approach. Data were collected from hotel customers who experienced hospitality services delivered by AI robots in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Three hotels that use AI service robots were selected in each city. A self-administered survey questionnaire was placed at those hotels' front desks and guest rooms.

Research findings 

The findings of the study state that both the performance expectancy of AI service robots and effort expectancy have significant impacts on customer perception of experience quality. Both the performance expectancy of AI service robots and effort expectancy have significant impacts on customer perception of experience quality. 

Customers who believe that service robots can bring them more benefits by providing fast, reliable, accurate and consistent services are likely to view their service experiences as high quality, ultimately leading to better overall satisfaction. Furthermore, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and subjective norms have significant effects on perceived value. 


This study contributes to the theoretical building to implement in the hotels. As the study applied UTAUT theory to the use of AI service robots by integrating the essential constructs in the AI service robot context, it filled in the gap in the theory of the relationship between robot service and hotel customer experience. 

Sources of Article

Image source: Unsplash

Content Source: MDPI

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