Education & Skilling 6 Min Read Sep 04, 2021
Study abroad for free: 10 M.Sc. in AI degrees for Indian students
Despite the pronounced benefits of a Masters degree in AI and allied fields, the financial burden of pursuing such a degree at an international university makes it a distant dream for most Indian students. Here are 10 no-fees courses in Europe, particularly Germany and Norway, for which Indian students pay nothing towards their tuition costs.
Published By : Samiksha Mehra Data scientists and machine learning specialists are in high demand across the world. A Masters level qualification is usually the minimum requirement for employment in these fields, at large corporations. Completing an M.Sc. will provide you with the knowledge and skills to work in the field of AI, where there is a huge demand and a shortage of skills. Moreover, pursuing the degree abroad will give you international perspective on a technology that impacts every human being across the globe.
But despite the pronounced benefits of a second degree in AI, the financial burden of pursuing such a degree at an international university makes it a distant dream for most Indian students. It is for the benefit of our readers, therefore, that we have compiled this list of postgraduate degree programs in AI and allied fields, all of which are offered free of cost to Indian students. Here are 10 such no-fees courses in Europe, particularly Germany and Norway, for which Indian students pay nothing towards their tuition costs.
- M.Sc. Data Engineering and Analytics: At the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, this master's degree program deals with innovative solutions for handling and analysing very large amounts of data. It provides an education that on the one hand enables graduates to design and plan industry grade solutions in the area of Big Data, on the other hand creates a solid starting point for ventures into research. Tuition fees is nil; only a minimal Student Fees of 145 Euro has to be paid.
- M.Sc. AI and Data Science: This two-year Master's programme by Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), Germany, focuses on the theoretical foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and their applications to real life problems. Specialised lectures guide you the way to specific research areas, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and analysis of biological/medical data. Central to this programme are machine learning methods and their applications, with strong focus on deep learning. There are no studying fees, except a semester contribution of 300 Euro.
- M.Sc. Informatics: Robotics and Intelligent Systems: Offered by the University of Oslo, Norway, this programme has a focus on robotics systems and embedded systems. Especially on how to make such systems more intelligent and adaptable using programming, machine learning and other methods based in informatics. This programme will as such cover the competence needed in today's industry.
- M.Sc. Informatics: Language Technology: This programme by the University of Oslo, Norway, gives students the opportunity to study how computers can make sense of human language and how humans communicate through language. It will provide students with advanced training in the discipline called human language technology, combining skills from computer science, artificial intelligence and linguistics.
- M.Sc. Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence: The Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, offers this cutting-edge program that converges three disciplines: robotics, computer vision/sensor fusion, and the cognitive sciences. As we move towards increasingly complex technical systems that combine mobility with perception, reasoning, and action generation, engineers will need a thorough interdisciplinary understanding of the basics of all these fields, along with a sound grasp of their interrelation and application. It is this expertise that the Master’s in Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence aims to provide.
- M.Sc. Data Science: This master's programme by University of Oslo, Norway, is based on an interdisciplinary background in statistics (probability theory, inference, machine learning) and computer science (algorithms, visualization, database) in addition to a solid foundation in general mathematics. Students will be well prepared to face a major challenge in today's society: how to utilize the information contained in the vast amounts of data that are being collected in various areas such as medicine, finance, environment, and social media.
- M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence: This newly-launched degree by the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt(FH-WS), Germany, aims to educate AI experts who are familiar with the relevant algorithms, models and social challenges of AI, and who can develop and evaluate software systems with AI functionality. extends over 3 semesters and provides profound knowledge of AI as well as comprehensive competences for the implementation of AI methods and models in practice. By working in a laboratory environment, students gain an early and intensive insight into the methods of scientific work.
- M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence: Offered by the Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg (FAU), Germany, this international Master’s program is based on a solid foundation and education in the field of Computer Science. The programme consists of three main pillars: symbolic AI (such as Expert Systems and Logic Calculi), subsymbolic AI (such as Deep and Machine Learning) and AI systems and applications.
- M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: During this degree at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT), Germany, students will be trained how to obtain, process and store enormous amounts of data, which is the root of AI and development processes. Unique to master programmes in this field is the integrated internship that all students are required to complete, providing them with invaluable work experience in their chosen field. There is no tuition fees, only €62 student service fee per semester for four semesters.
- M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: The Master’s program at Saarland University, Germany, is based on complex Data Analysis and Automation: from Mathematics and Statistics to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Management, Modeling and Simulation or Data Visualization. Techniques from very different disciplines complement each other to analyse data, automate processes, and construct and process models that enable Autonomous Action. Lectures are in English, therefore, no German knowledge is necessary.
With English being adopted as the language of instruction in its universities, Europe is becoming a preferred destination for Indian engineering students moving abroad for postgraduate education. With the tuition fees completely waived off, students are only expected to pay for living expenses, hence making foreign education affordable and achievable.
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