Generative AI is the buzzword these days. From AI predictions to novel AI artworks, creative AI is a flourishing field day by day.  

Tapan Aslot is a creative director turned AI artist, who is experimenting in this field, and his work is mesmerizing. For the past six months, Tapan has worked with various AI tools like DALL-E and Midjourney. According to Tapan, being an AI artist has given him the time and space to explore and recreate his thoughts.  

"As a company's creative director, I have ten thousand responsibilities. So, the only time I used to get for myself was limited during the weekends", said Tapan in a conversation with INDIAai. 

AI provided Tapan with a broad canvas to project his thoughts and ideas. However, he strongly believes that there should be a commercial aspect to these generative AI works which can provide it with the popularity it needs. 

Image: Tapan Aslot

''Artists should be credited'' 

Tapan's AI art was recently stolen and republished by one of his followers on LinkedIn. Tracking the individual's history, Tapan found that they have also been republishing the works of other AI artists. So, Tapan alerted his fellow artists and reported the person.  

Having gone through such an experience, Tapan has a strong viewpoint on the ongoing debate of copyright claims worldwide. In his opinion, the credit for the artwork should be given to the artists, not AI. However, artists must reveal the AI algorithm leveraged for the generation of the artwork.  

"What if someday someone steals some of my commercial work? Will that not affect the my credibility as an artist?" asks Tapan. 

Presently, Tapan owns the copyrights of all his artworks. 

'Carnival': Tapan Aslot's art work

A new era of AI 

"AI is not a magic wand", says Tapan. To generate AI work, a person should have a good command of English. In his opinion, the future will be about creative intelligence. An expert in a particular domain will have an edge with AI.  

At least for now, the command is still with the humans. A more creative individual could bring the best out of AI. According to Tapan, thinkers cannot be replaced. Therefore, it is time for everyone to step up with the emerging world of AI. 

Tapan opines that the Text-to-video invention would be a milestone innovation. "Presently, there is text-to-music, text-to-audio, and text-to-text. However, they are still working on text-to-video. So that is something I am waiting for", says Tapan. 

Donut: Tapan Aslot's art

Projects in pipeline 

Tapan has several projects lined up for the future. He is collaborating with a company to produce AI art for cupboards. Although Tapan has not published any NFT works, some ideas in the area are also in his pipeline. 

He is also working with one of the leading comic book publication houses for the production of a comic book on the topic of ancient India. For the first time in history, the world will witness the production of AI comics. 

Tapan's work was also featured in the Art Director's Club, a global club of artists worldwide. The club commemorating 102 years of existence, invited 102 AI artists worldwide to exhibit their work, of which Tapan's works were also published. He is now waiting for the feature to be released in the first week of December. 

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