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Problem / Objective:

Some abnormality on skin triggers anxiety and affects the mental health and overall productivity. Some rural hospitals still do not have the facility of a dermatologist, compelling the citizens to travel to the nearby city for just diagnosis. 

Solution / Approach:

Skinzy is a health care start-up which aims to provide affordable skincare solutions to all. It strives to cater to mostly rural and semi-urban India, where the availability of specialised dermatologists and doctors is scarce. AI-based machine learning and image processing algorithms have been Skinzy’s top priority.  

While the prevalence rate of skin diseases is quite high in the country, the availability of dermatologists is low. Moreover, rural areas further lack access to a specialised dermatologist resulting in people ignoring the perils of potentially threatening skin diseases by considering it as an ordinary occurrence. 

Impact / Implementation:

Skinzy, through its DermaPhoto app, is trying to reach out to people to help them detect skin diseases and connect them to a dermatologist in order to provide them with quick solutions. It does not aim to replace doctors but provides an additional tool at the disposal of doctors to help them in quick diagnosis of a disease and provide relevant medical prescriptions. 

Sources of Case study

Source: NASSCOM COE-DSAI AI for Good report

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