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The prominent Indian defense unit intended to reduce the maintenance costs of their electronics and electrical devices. The unit was armed with the equipment data for several years and needed a cohesive strategy to utilize the available data.


Eugenie applied the digital transformation blueprint to the available manual data with IoT sensors. AI-powered workbench of Eugenie analyzed the voluminous data streams of the affected devices. The data consisted of several years of operational logs as well as the OEM data of the devices. 

Eugenie's machine learning solution processed real-time data of the IoT sensors and generated predictive alerts of probable device failures or reduced efficiency. Eugenie also generated prescriptive alerts, alongside the root-cause analysis. 


Eugenie’s algorithms achieved 92% accuracy in predicting device failures which included weapons as well. The early warning of the probable failure was implemented with a user-friendly dashboard that tracked real-time data of device performance to generate preemptive alerts. 

Eugenie's AI-based insights enabled the defense unit to transit from preventive to predictive maintenance.

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