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Location India

College Profile

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune, is one of the Indian Institutes of Information Technology, a group of institutes of Higher education in India focused on Information Technology. Their vision is to be a leading global Information Technology institute that imparts an innovative education to produce proficient and ethical professionals and leaders, disseminating novel knowledge in Information Technology and allied disciplines to serve as a valuable resource for the society and world.

Top Courses in AI

  • AI and ML courses are offered under B.Tech. programme (4 year) of computer science & engineering department at IIIT-Pune.
  • AI and ML are offered as elective courses. The program is designed to develop student’s skills with extensive knowledge and hands-on experience to analyse, design and implement cutting-edge computer technologies. It also enables students to explore the wider applications and latest trends of computer science.

College Website :

Key Intiatives

Center for Robotics ...

Center for Robotics and Security in Internet of Things (IoT)

Center for Robotics ...

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