
IIT Delhi

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Location Delhi , India

College Profile

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the 23 IITs created to be Centres of Excellence for training, research and development in science, engineering and technology in India. Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute was later declared as an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963” and was renamed as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a Deemed University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees. Since its inception, over 48000 have graduated from IIT Delhi in various disciplines including Engineering, Physical Sciences, Management and Humanities & Social Sciences. Of these, nearly 5070 received Ph.D. degrees. The number of students who graduated with B.Tech. degree is over 15738. The rest obtained Master’s Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Business Administration. These alumni today work as scientists, technologists, business managers and entrepreneurs. There are several alumni who have moved away from their original disciplines and have taken to administrative services, active politics or are with NGOs. In doing so, they have contributed significantly to building of this nation, and to industrialization around the world.

Top Courses in AI

  • IIT-D offers AI and MI courses in dual degree program of B.Tech and M.Tech. It is a five year programmme with the students entitled to both B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering at the end of five years.
  • The undergraduate component of the dual degree programme is identical to that of the 4-year B.Tech. (CSE). This is followed with specialized elective courses in the 7th, 8th and 9th semesters and an intensive Master’s thesis in the 9th and 10th semesters.

Some of the papers offered in AI and ML under the above courses at IIT-D are:

  • COL333: Principles of Artificial Intelligence
  • COL341: Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • COL 671:Principles of Artificial Intelligence:
  • COL770: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
  • COL772: Natural Language Processing
  • COL774: Machine Learning
  • COL780: Computer Vision
  • COV878: Special Module in Machine Learning
  • COV884: Special Module in Artificial Intelligence

College Website :

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