
IIT Gandhinagar

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Location India

College Profile

IIT Gandhinagar was founded in 2008 and is located in Palaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the banks of river Sabarmati. IITGN is rated India’s first 5-star GRIHA LD (Green) campus for minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The campus has been declared India’s first 5-star campus for ensuring food safety and promoting healthy eating.

The Institute follows the highest standards of safety for its employees engaged in construction activities. In this context, the IIT Council declared that the exemplary practices of IIT Gandhinagar (labor welfare and community outreach) should be introduced in all IITs.

Top Courses in AI

Under the B.Tech and M.Tech program in computer science and engineering at IIT – Gandhinagar, following courses in the domain of AI/ML are offered :

  • ES 612: Artificial Intelligence
  • ES 612A: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
  • CS 422: Data Mining
  • CS 430: Algorithms of Data Science
  • EE 615: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

The M.Sc in cognitive science offered by centre for cognitive and brain science, IIT – Gandhinagar also include artificial intelligence as one of the elective courses.

College Website :

Key Intiatives

Centre for Cognitive...

Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Centre for Cognitive...

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