
IIT Madras

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Location India

College Profile

Indian Institute of Technology Madras is a public technical university located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is selected as one of the 8 public Institutes of Eminence of India. As one of the Indian Institutes of Technology, it is recognized as an Institute of National Importance.

Top Courses in AI

IIT Madras has a strong interdisciplinary programme in data science and AI. It offers an interdisciplinary dual degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) programme on data science and AI, as well as an interdisciplinary research program on data sciences.The Dual Degree program is a five year program. At the end of five years, the student is awarded both a B.Tech. and M.Tech. degree. 

Some of the papers in AI and ML offered at IIT Madras are as follows:

  • CS5011: Machine Learning
  • CS6310: Artificial Neural Networks
  • CS6350: Computer Vision
  • CS6370: Natural Language Processing
  • CS6380: Artificial Intelligence
  • CS7015: Deep Learning
  • CS7016: Topics in Deep Learning

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Key Intiatives

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The Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBC-DSAI)

The Robert Bosch Cen...




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Innovative AI models to solve engineering problems

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AI models to process texts in 11 Indian languages

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Hybrid Intelligent S...

Hybrid Intelligent Systems in Autonomous Vehicles

Hybrid Intelligent S...

Attention Mechanisms...

Attention Mechanisms in Deep Neural Networks

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Domain agnostic meth...

Domain agnostic methods for integration of prior knowledge in learning algorithms

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Paradigms, Interpret...

Paradigms, Interpretable Models and Algorithms for AI-based Human in the Loop Learning

Paradigms, Interpret...

AI and Ethics for th...

AI and Ethics for the Indian Context

AI and Ethics for th...

DL Models in Healthc...

DL Models in Healthcare

DL Models in Healthc...

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