
Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

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Location India

College Profile

IISc aims to be among the world’s foremost academic institutions through the pursuit of excellence in research and promotion of innovation by offering world-class education to train future leaders in science and technology and by applying science and technology breakthroughs for India’s wealth creation and social welfare.

Top Courses in AI

  • E0 334: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
  • E0 238: Artificial Intelligence
  • E0 268 Practical Data Science
  • E0 270 Machine Learning
  • E0 306 Deep Learning: Theory and Practice
  • E1 246 Natural Language Understanding
  • E1 254 Topics in Pattern Recognition

IISc is launching a two-year M.Tech. program in Artificial Intelligence, to fill the critical needs of the industry and fill the gap in high-end AI scientists and engineers. This program will be offered by the Division of EECS through the joint efforts of the Departments of CSA, ECE, EE, and ESE.

College Website :

Key Intiatives

Machine Learning Spe...

Machine Learning Special Interest Group

Machine Learning Spe...

Machine Learning and...

Machine Learning and Learning Theory Group

Machine Learning and...

Machine and Language...

Machine and Language Learning lab (MALL)

Machine and Language...

Task agnostic Univer...

Task agnostic Universal Adversarial Perturbations

Task agnostic Univer...

Cross-Modal Retrieva...

Cross-Modal Retrieval

Cross-Modal Retrieva...

Using Statistical Me...

Using Statistical Mechanics to understand depth in Deep Networks

Using Statistical Me...

Fairness in an Algor...

Fairness in an Algorithmic World

Fairness in an Algor...

Neural programming a...

Neural programming and program analysis

Neural programming a...

AI/ML for Next Gener...

AI/ML for Next Generation Communication Systems

AI/ML for Next Gener...




Digital Shadowing

Digital Shadowing

Digital Shadowing

Using neural network...

Using neural networks to solve the equations 

Using neural network...

Stabilization parame...

Stabilization parameter Prediction

Stabilization parame...

Particle Deposition ...

Particle Deposition Prediction

Particle Deposition ...

ANNs for higher orde...

ANNs for higher order hyperbolic problems

ANNs for higher orde...

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