
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT...

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College Profile

Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi) was created by an act of Delhi legislature empowering it to carry out R&D, conduct educational programs, and grant degrees. The General Council is the apex body of the Institute, chaired by Hon'ble Lt. Governor of Delhi and the Board of Governors is the policy and decision-making body of the Institute. The Senate is empowered to take all academic decisions.

IIIT-Delhi is accelerating on the path of becoming one of the leading comprehensive research-led teaching institutes in India and has proven to be consistently responsive towards the evolving needs of society. The faculty members at IIIT-Delhi are among the finest in the country and are internationally recognized. Carrying out cutting-edge research is in the institutional DNA of IIIT-Delhi.

Top Courses in AI

IIIT Delhi offers B.Tech. program (4 yrs)in computer science and artificial intelligence under computer science & engineering department. This program will provide students an opportunity to learn both foundational and experimental components of AI and machine learning

It also offers M.Tech program with artificial intelligence as specialization. M.Tech in CS with specialization in AI may be done with a thesis or without a thesis (with Capstone Project). 

Core AI Courses – A student has to complete all 3 core courses:

Artificial Intelligence (CSE643)

Introduction to graduate algorithms (CSE525) / modern algorithm design (CSE519) /theoretical machine learning (TML) (one of these)

Statistical machine learning or machine learning (either one of these) (CSE542)

Core AI Electives – A student is required to complete minimum 2 courses (3 courses for Capstone Project option) from below:

Advanced Machine Learning

Deep Learning (CSE641)

Machine Learning (CSE543)

Multi-Agent Systems (CSE531)

Probabilistic Graphical Models (CSE561)

Reinforcement Learning (CSE564)

Statistical Machine Learning (CSE542)

Theoretical Machine Learning

Regular AI Elective - A student is required to complete at least 1 course (2 courses for Capstone Project option)

All of the above and:

Advanced Computer Vision (CSE562)

Advanced Biometrics (CSE541)

Computer Vision (CSE544)

Data Mining (CSE506)

Image Analysis (CSE540)

Information Retrieval (CSE508)

Linear Optimization (MTH505)

Natural Language Processing (CSE556)

Probability and Random Processes (ECE501)

Robotics (CSE633)

AI Research Projects:

Swarath – Autonomous last mile connectivity for commuters: the goal of this project is to create an autonomous shuttle for the urban Indian last mile. The shuttle will operate on predefined routes and provide hassle free anytime connectivity to modes of public transport like the metro.

Aurora – Intelligent UAV Design: The aim of this project is to build using UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle) with manual remote controls, an intelligent UAV platform with capabilities such as autonomous flying, navigation, and landing, as well as capabilities to perform complex tasks such as automatic air drop, detecting and localizing targets of interest, reaching a specified position or target, etc. UAVs with these capabilities can serve a plethora of applications.

College Website :

Key Intiatives

Infosys centre for A...

Infosys centre for Artificial Intelligence

Infosys centre for A...

Infosys centre for artificial intelligence is a research centre of IIIT-D which is supported by Infosys foundation to do research in artificial intelligence and related areas. It works on solving several AI problems such as:

  • Development of cost-effective autonomous vehicles to solve the last mile problem in India
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for agriculture and environmental and wildlife monitoring
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality based avatars
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine learning and deep learning with applications to image recognition, biometrics
  • Fault identification and detection in cyber-physical systems

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