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Company Profile

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. The Sweden-based company enables full value of connectivity by creating game-changing technology and services that are easy to use, adopt, and scale, making our customers successful in a fully connected world. Ericsson is leading the way in transforming industry and society with its cutting edge 5G solutions. 5G networks offer high throughput, ultra-reliability, low latency, and security – these are necessary for enabling mission critical services that run on 5G networks such as tele medicine, autonomous connected vehicles and smart factories. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies play a crucial role by ensuring critical performance while reducing network complexity through the use of advanced AI based predictive and prescriptive techniques.


Intelligent RAN Auto...

Intelligent RAN Automation

Intelligent RAN Auto...

Key Intiatives

Ericsson Global AI A...

Ericsson Global AI Accelerator (GAIA) and Ericsson Research

Ericsson Global AI A...

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