
International Conference on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking in Blockchain Technology

Date and Time

Sep 29, 2021 - Oct 02, 2021

Wed - Sat | 12:00 am onwards



Date and Time

Sep 29, 2021 - Oct 02, 2021

Wed - Sat | 12:00 am onwards




The blockchain emerged as a unique distributed consensus arrangement that allows transactions, and any kind of data, to be securely stored and verified without a centralized authority. From the research reports it comes out that there is an increased interest in the use of blockchains across many applications and a significant investment by various industries in their development. This clearly indicates that the research community is in search of a simple and scalable blockchain technology which can be implemented across the industries.

The blockchain is likely to bring in considerable change to a large number of systems and businesses. Distributed protection, and therefore privacy and security, is the core of the blockchain technologies and thus has the potential to either make them a major success or cause them to fail miserably. The conference, organized by SCMS Group of Educational Institutions, aims to discuss the most relevant ongoing research efforts in blockchain security and privacy.

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