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The proposed conference ICDLAIR 2023 represents key ingredients for the 5G. The extensive application of AI and DL is dramatically changing products and services, with a large impact on labour, economy and society at all. ICDLAIR 2023, organized by NIT Kurukshetra, India in collaboration with International Association of Academicians (IAASSE), UCL-UK , Emlyon Business School France and CSUSB USA, aims at collecting scientific and technical contributions with respect to models, tools, technologies and applications in the field of modern artificial intelligence and robotics, covering the entire range of concepts from theory to practice, including case studies, works-in-progress, and conceptual explorations.
Through sharing and networking, ICDLAIR 2023 will provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and educators to exchange research evidence, practical experiences and innovative ideas on issues related to the Conference theme. ICDLAIR 2023 intends to publish the post-conference work in order to give authors the opportunity to collect feedback during the presentation.