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An artificial intelligence-based kiosk is now assisting doctors in prescribing medicines to patients. This interactive kiosk that supports in diagnosis looks like a passbook scanner with a big flat screen and welcomes the patients at the Nehru Hospital’s extension block of 250 beds at the PGI Chandigarh. 

The visitor should press the button which activates the audio system. He can then choose a language such as Punjabi, Hindi or English, and has to answer the questions that the machine asks. 

The computer that works with the help of AI then generates a unique 13 digit number for the person. The patient’s medical and personal history is then generated and registered as a QR code. The doctors can scan the QR code and prescribe medicines. This system helps reduce the usage of paper and skips unnecessary filing of medical records say hospital authorities. 

According to Rajeev Sao, superintending engineer in the central public works department and the project director, the AI kiosk also assist doctors and paramedics. Nurses and doctors who alternate shifts can now share the patient’s medical-summary QR code with the people who work in the next shift. “A startup has built the kiosk for hardly any cost,” Sao said to The Times of India. 

The AI system also helps attendants and visitors to locate a patient’s ward, diagnostic facilities, and conveniences. The audio-visual system can telecast live surgery to classrooms and doctors’ personal computers. 

The information system installed in the modular operating theatres provides health updates and waiting time of the patients to the medical attenders. 

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