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The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) and select Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have introduced an online course on applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) which will commence from January 31st. This course is best suitable for students in the 3rd and final year of engineering, science postgraduates, PhD scholars and professionals with a basic knowledge of machine learning.

The 33-session-long course will ensure that learners understand how they can implement AI in domains like healthcare, smart city projects, etc as well as scaling these projects to an industrial level.

Four IITs - Kharagpur, Madras, Palakkad and Goa- will jointly conduct this course. The curriculum will include fundamentals of AI accelerators and system setup, accelerated deep learning, end-to-end accelerated deep science and industrial use-cases of accelerated AI.

The course will also see intermittent participation from many recognised national institutions. For instance, learners will have code walkthroughs and industrial case studies that are part of the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), a project spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology and Union Ministry of Electronics and IT through CDAC and the Indian Institute of Science.

For registrations and further details, applicants can visit

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