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Google has finally completed its controversial takeover of the DeepMind's health division. DeepMind, the UK based AI startup founded in 2010, is currently owned by Alphabet- Google's parent company. The startup is a leader in making cutting edge innovations in AI, such as the AlphaGo- the Go-playing AI agent that defeated the world champion Lee Sedol. 

In a blog post on September 18, Dr Dominic King, current UK Site Lead for Google Health and formerly of DeepMind confirms the acquisition. "It's clear that a transition like this takes time. Health data is sensitive, and we gave proper time and cared to make sure that we had the full consent and cooperation of our partners. This gave them the time to ask questions and fully understood our plans and to choose whether to continue our partnerships. As has always been the case, our partners are in full control of all patient data, and we will only use patient data to help improve care, under their oversight and instructions."

In the last three years, DeepMind, along with the NHS in the UK, was able to develop developing AI research and mobile tools in the healthcare sector. DeepMind's health team worked with Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in detecting eye disease from scans as accurately as experts; with University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on planning cancer radiotherapy treatment; and with the US Department of Veterans Affairs to predict patient deterioration up to 48 hours earlier than currently possible.

As a result of the transfer, The Royal Free NHS Trust, Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust all put out statements yesterday confirming they have moved their contractual arrangements to Google, notes TechCrunch.

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