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On Tuesday, India and Germany agreed to work on AI startups, research and application in sustainability and health care.
India’s Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Minister Jitendra Singh and German Education and Research Minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, had a meeting in Berlin where they expressed satisfaction with the current science and Technology cooperation the countries have, which is one of the strategic pillars of the bilateral relationship.
The officials stated that there are a lot of scopes to work together in AI. They are also expecting to raise invites on Indo-German proposals from research and industry. On the third day of the official meeting in Berlin, Dr. Jitendra Singh mentioned that both India and Germany are currently working in science and technology frontier areas, including electric mobility, cyber-physical system, quantum technologies, future manufacturing, and green hydrogen fuel, deep ocean research. Therefore, the countries have proposed to develop cooperation in these areas.
Both countries have started mapping each other’s strengths in areas such as applying AI in sustainability and healthcare. The ministers felt delighted that several initiates for human capacity developments in science and engineering have recently worked out, which includes the involvement of Women in Science and Engineering Research. The countries are initiating means to facilitate lateral entry of women as researchers in S&T projects and Paired Early Career Fellowships (PECF), thereby creating an inclusive ecosystem for the Indo-German S&T cooperation with the exchange of young researchers on both sides.
Star-Watzinger supported the idea of further strengthening bilateral scientific cooperation by partnering in emerging S&T areas where both the countries have the power to work together and serve their respective societies.