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Parul Saxena

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Understanding Recurrent Neural Network

Deep Learning is changing our interaction with the world. Deep learning is revolutionising the areas of UAV(unmanned arieal vehicles), self driving card, speech recognition, etc....
Article 4 Mins

Convolutional Neural Network

The core idea of AI is to replicate human capabilities in machines. This is a constant endeavor by researchers and tech enthusiasts to achieve a state where we are capable of...
Article 4 Mins

A gentle introduction to Quantum Computing

To recall how much had humankind progressed in the last few centuries, we have to come to terms with eye-opening and magnificent developments. These developments cannot be...
Article 6 Mins

Edge Computing: Definition, relevance, and use cases with AI

The internet, its growth, and its relevance in our lives have increased by leaps and bounds in the last few decades. With the exponential growth of...
Article 5 Mins

What is computing as a service, and how does it intersect with...

Easy access to data, flexibility of usage, disaster recovery and reduced IT workload ­– these have emerged as the top reasons that companies are embracing cloud computing...
Article 4 Mins

Self-driven cars: AI behind the wheels

Imagine yourself sitting in a car – hands no more on the steering wheel, feet no more on the accelerator. Imagine speaking to your car, telling it where to you, giving it some...
Article 5 Mins

What are digital twins and why are they so important to...

Digital twins are replicas of physical devices across their entire life cycles, commonly used by data scientists and IT professionals to run simulations on
Article 3 Mins

Levels of autonomy in autonomous vehicles

Every time we talk about autonomous vehicles, our imagination reaches a driverless car running on the road or maybe a driver sitting and reading or scrolling through his mobile as...
Article 6 Mins

Meta AI opens its language model for the AI community, how will...

The fashion of coming out with large language models has seen a tremendous rise over the years.
Article 5 Mins