To recall how much had humankind progressed in the last few centuries, we have to come to terms with eye-opening and magnificent developments. These developments cannot be summarised here in few pages as there is a humungous list of admirable work we humans have done. This truly fills us with pride to realize that we have made almost everything that once looked impossible possible today. We have gone deep within the oceans, climbed up the mountains, gone to space, made clones, and the list goes on.

This brings us to another leap we have taken in computing. Quantum computing is an all-new kind of computing that holds great potential, and the whole world is eying on it. However, so many of us laymen find these terms "Quantum Computing" and "Quantum Supremacy" beyond comprehension.

Let's start today and understand what it is all about.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum Computing is the area of study that focuses on creating computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory which describes the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the quantum (atomic and subatomic) level.


Quantum computing is the study of how to use phenomena in quantum physics to create new ways of computing.

Quantum computing is based on Qubit, which is unlike ordinary classical computers, which use 0 or 1. This hinders and restricts the capabilities of classical computers. Also, this is the reason we needed the next level of computing i.e., quantum computing.

Quantum computing uses quantum bits. This means they are not restricted to just binary states rather, they can exist in more than one state. Quantum computing is based on the unique capabilities of subatomic particles, and hence it is better.

Advantages of Quantum Computers

Quantum computers are way faster, accurate, and more energy-efficient than classical computers. They are said to be faster owing to the fact that they work with the movement of atoms which are naturally swift. 

They are accurate and hence are going to be prospective computing partners for secret services, big data, defense, and other governmental projects. These computers are highly energy efficient and hence are cost-effective.

Major milestones will be achieved through quantum computing that a normal classical computer cannot, claims Sundar Pichai, Alphabet CEO. Speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020, Sundar said the world needs to assemble and work under a common regulatory framework for artificial intelligence (AI).

What is Quantum Supremacy?

The world came across a piece of big news in 2019 when Google announced that it had achieved "Quantum Supremacy." For all of us to understand, it actually means that Google created a computer-based on quantum computing that can solve a problem quickly that a conventional computer would take thousands of years to solve.

IBM also entered the competition and claimed to have created a supercomputer that is pretty much a conventional computer with large capabilities. According to IBM, their computer could solve a problem of the same kind in just a few days as opposed to thousands of years.

Entanglement & Superposition

These two terms or features of quantum physics are very closely associated with the supercomputers we are talking about here. These features power quantum computers to process at exponentially high speeds with much lesser energy consumption than conventional computers.

In quantum physics, the "entanglement of particles" describes a relationship or interdependence between their fundamental properties irrespective of their physical proximity. This could refer to states such as their momentum, position, or polarisation.

There have been many instances in the past where the theory was questioned for its relevance in real life. But the concept stands strong today.

Talking about "quantum superposition," it is one of the properties that differentiate a qubit from a classical bit. Superposition is one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. As we see in classical physics, a wave describing a musical tone can be seen as many waves with different frequencies that add up or, to say, get superposed. Similarly, a quantum state in superposition can be seen as a linear combination of other distinct quantum states. This quantum state in superposition forms a new valid quantum state.

Application Areas

Quantum computing is set to contribute significantly in the following fields

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big data search
  • Finance
  • Military affairs,
  • Intelligence
  • Medical science
  • Aerospace designing and aeronautics
  • Utilities (nuclear fusion)
  • Polymer design
  • Digital manufacturing. 


Some of the most obvious challenges associated with quantum computing are:

  • Affordability- This definitely is going to be a super expensive machine which makes it impossible for small businesses to own it irrespective of the fact that they understand it value.
  • Availability- The technology needed to implement a quantum computer is not yet available. This is because the fact that electron, which is an essential element of quantum computing, gets damaged as soon as it comes into contact with the environment.
  • Infrastructure- These computers will require unique infrastructures and specific conditions such as cooling owing to their size and speed, making their setup even more difficult. One way to stabilize certain types of qubits is to keep them around –273 degrees Celsius, which is a difficult task.
  • Vulnerability- Owing to the superpowers of these computers, the security of every other system or computer might get sacrificed. Any sort of hacking is possible with these computers, and hence the damage can be unimaginable if they fall into the wrong hands.
  • Experienced manpower- These systems would require specially trained staff, operators, programmers, which might take a long time.
  • Requirement of new algorithms- We need to create new algorithms specifically catering to these new systems, which might take pretty long. Otherwise, these systems are not worth more than any conventional computer.
  • Instability- Even the slightest of change in their ecosystems or environment, such as Noise, temperature change, an electrical fluctuation, or vibration can disturb a qubit's operation and cause it to lose its data.
  • Proving their worthiness- To date, the players who have claimed to have created a quantum computer have just performed normal tasks, which even a conventional computer can perform, making people question the whole idea.

There is a big race from countries globally to attain this power due to the claims these computers make. However, the most important aspect here is to have the right research initiatives, training, programming, governmental support, and industry collaborations to be able to fully utilize the technology.

Sources of Article

Image by Pierre Metivier via Flickr

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