
Aray Consulting LLP

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Founded 2022
People 5
Location Maharashtra , India
Sector Robotics

Start up Profile

We have spent 100+ men-years implementing numerous business processes in global companies using different technologies. Our focus is on providing robust solutions in Intelligent Process Automation using RPA like invoice automation, quotation or any other process like: 1. Use case Identification, Design and Implementation of RPA 2. RPA Consulting for Enterprise Strategy, Tool Selection 3. Process Automation like Sales Order Creation, Customer Acquisition, Employee Onboarding


RPA Consulting / IRP Solution

We are building an RPA/IRP solution to increase the efficiency of freight forwarders and mitigate manual errors. It will help freight forwarders to accomplish: 1) Increasing the number of bookings with high accuracy 2) Without the deployment of additional Human Resources 3) Saving money spent on penalties (Due to manual errors while booking the cargo ships) 4) Reduction in cost for the end customer and attract more business For further understanding pls reach on:



Ajay Goyal

Aray Consulting LLP

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