
Aindra Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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Founded 2012
People 50
Location Karnataka , India
Sector Healthcare
Business Function Diagnosis
Business Model B2C

Start up Profile

Aindra Systems is involved in artificial intelligence technology space and is manufacturing Drishti, handheld devices with inbuilt cameras like smartphones, tablets and laptops that have the ability to detect and identify people. Images that are captured using these devices and sent to a cloud based server which are then processed by intelligent algorithms to detect and identify objects.

The SAAS based, hardware agnostic and cloud based solution enables adoption of the product with zero capital expenditure and requires no dedicated hardware installation

The company targets the B2B segment and offer the solution by working on:

  • Faster diagnosis: It significantly reduces the turnaround time for reports and also enables pathologists to look at only the relevant data.
  • Farther outreach: Healthcare Inclusion. The compact systems are portable that can be carried to the point- of care. Technology enables the healthcare system to extend itself into the far reaches of any country.
  • Increased throughput: AI eliminates the grunt work of looking at 80% normal samples.
  • Feedback learning: AI algorithms are then automatically redirected back as feedback, to build even better Deep Learning models. 


Aindra IS

Automated strainer for staining biological samples that are mounted on glass slides by using the state of art mechatronics and software to achieve unparalled staining.

Aindra VS

Aindra VisionX through Telepathology gives crisp images of a whole slide enabling extremely fast turnaround times.

Aindra AS

Aindra AS developed AI platform to facilitate computational pathology for faster and most accurate diagnosis.



Adarsh Natarajan

AIndra Systems

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