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Location India
Sector Banking , Healthcare , Retail

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Digital humans are AI-powered, lifelike characters that can see, hear and understand you, your staff and your customers, meaning they can recreate “real” human conversations. Today, they exist in both the physical world through kiosks (in settings like retail stores to help cut down on check-out queues) and digitally on web browsers and mobile operating systems, where they can serve virtually infinite numbers of customers at once. Sitting behind the digital human is an AI platform that determines behavior, EQ and speech in real-time, so the conversation can flow naturally, as it tends to in real life.

The digital human can easily connect to another “brain” to share knowledge, whether that’s a chatbot, NLP or even a human directly supervising their learning. Importantly, digital humans can read the emotional response of the user. So, if the user is looking confused, the digital human can offer to explain something a different way. Or if the user is happy and excited, the digital human can respond with a smile, or even a laugh when the context calls for it. All this is done for a better, more engaging customer experience, and to build a better emotional connection between the brand and the user in a way that’s becoming a rarer commodity in a digital world.


Intelligent Remote Assistant

IRA (Intelligent Remote Assistant) an AI-powered virtual human, is specifically designed to support hospitals across the world to mitigate such a situation by helping to keep suspected corona patients not requiring hospitalisation, at home while still providing them with remote optimal care.



Praveen Anasuya



Varun Dabbiru



Vatsal Ambastha


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