
Predible Health

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People 15
Location Karnataka , India
Sector Healthcare

Start up Profile

Predible is applying AI to medical imaging, enabling quicker delivery of care with increased accuracy by building patient-centric, organ-specific cancer care workflows that empower clinicians to understand the disease comprehensively. The results will significantly aid radiologists and oncologists to plan personalised, thus effective treatments.

It provides deep learning powered cloud platform which enables radiologists to view, visualize, quantify and diagnose diseases from medical images. Current offerings are in Oncology care using CT, MR and PET imaging.

Predible Health is providing solutions through two of its flagship products Predible Liver and Predible Lung.


Predible Liver

Predible liver assists surgeons with precise planning for liver transplant and tumor resections, through instant analysis and 3d visualization of liver lesions and hepatic structures. Being built completely on the cloud, the solution is easily accessible by hospitals across India with an internet connection, enabling them to carefully plan surgeries and decrease morbidity.

Predible Lung

Predible Lung helps in the interpretation of lung nodules from CT images, enabling quicker detection and improved assessment of malignancy. Given the increasing growth in screening programs globally together with a large number of unnecessary biopsies carried out, Predible Lung is intended to help improve care for screening patients through improved early diagnosis.



Suthirth Vaidya

Predible Health


Abhijith Chunduru

Predible health

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