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Founded 2016
People 20
Location Maharashtra
Sector Media & Entertainment
Technology Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Robotics,Computer Vision
Business Function Robot sporting competition
Business Model B2C

Start up Profile

Founded by Supriya Rathi Bagri, RoboVR is based on the concept of robots competing in human sports. The games are conducted in an arena which is selected considering the type of sport is to be played. The company has put up some generic game rules and that referees, participants, contestants and mentors are expected to take note of. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, Computer/Machine Vision (CV/MV), swarm robotics are employed to build these sports robots. RoboVr also aims to bring robotics as a subject in schools and colleges to further research in the field of robotics.


RoboVR championship

RoboVR is a championship where students/robot makers/tech enthusiasts build 1’- 2’ sized robots and compete in 30+ human sports like archery, boxing, cricket, football, golf, swimming, tug of war & more played by robots against other robots.



Supriya Rathi Bagri


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