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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence?
The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence or GPAI (Gee-Pay) is an international and multistakeholder initiative to guide the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence consistent with human rights, fundamental freedoms, and shared democratic values, as reflected in the OECD Recommendation on AI.
How does GPAI offer something unique to the advancement of responsible development and use of AI?
Established in June 2020 the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is an international and diverse body that unites prominent experts from fields including science, industry, civil society, international organisations, and national governments who share a common commitment. GPAI endeavours to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical implementation of AI by endorsing cutting-edge research and applied endeavours in AI-related priorities.
GPAI structures its working groups around four core themes: (1) Responsible AI, (2) Data Governance, (3) Future of Work, and (4) Innovation and Commercialization.
GPAI is also the only forum with maximum membership and reach, having 28 countries and the European Union as members.
How is GPAI structured?
GPAI is structured in the following way.
GPAI Council: The GPAI Council is an all-Member body that provides strategic direction to GPAI and is responsible for all major decisions, including on membership and participation. The GPAI Council holds the ultimate decision-making authority. It convenes in two formats – Ministerial Council and Working level Executive Council.
Steering Committee: It implements the direction of the Executive Council, including development of the work plan and establishment of working groups, and provides substantive guidance and direction to the GPAI Secretariat and Centres of Expertise, as needed.
Multistakeholder Expert Group: The Multi-stakeholder Expert Group or MEG rings together GPAI Experts to collaborate, including by sharing best practices and analyses, and to develop Annual Reports based on the outputs developed by the Expert Working Groups. The Multistakeholder Expert Group also proposes themes to be addressed by the Multistakeholder Expert Group and Expert Working Groups the following year.
Expert Working Groups: Expert Working Groups propose and carry out approved Projects and develop reports and other outputs. They comprise of appointed GPAI Experts assigned by the Steering Committee.
With their research and practical projects across various sectors and disciplines, there are currently four working groups: Responsible AI, Data governance, The future of work, Innovation and commercialization
GPAI Secretariat: The GPAI Secretariat, hosted at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, supports the GPAI Council and the GPAI Steering Committee, liaises with the Centres of Expertise and facilitates strong synergies between GPAI’s scientific and technical work and the international AI policy.
GPAI Expert Support Centres: Expert Support Centres provide operational and administrative assistance to Expert Working Groups and to the Multistakeholder Expert Group. They are established by GPAI Members. Two Centres of Expertise, in Montreal and Paris, support GPAI’s working groups and organize the annual Multi-stakeholder Experts Group Plenary.
- The International Centre of Expertise of Montreal for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (ICEMAI) supports the working groups on responsible AI (including a subgroup on AI and pandemic response) and data governance.
- The Paris Centre, piloted by INRIA, supports the working groups on the future of work and innovation and commercialization.
What is the membership process to join GPAI?
Membership of GPAI is open to all countries. Countries interested in membership should contact the GPAI Secretariat and provide an application that includes a letter of intent that sets out reasons for seeking membership, as well as confirmation that the applicant endorses the shared values of GPAI.
Upon receipt of an application, the Executive Council will assess various factors including the applicant’s commitment to responsible AI, the degree to which the applicant takes a proactive role in advancing responsible AI, grounded in human rights, both on domestic and international levels, as well as with organisations and initiatives; and the level of expertise of AI experts working in the region, across a variety of sectors and disciplines, taking into account the differences that exist between regions and the need to integrate experts from a range of regions that is as diverse and representative as possible.
Once the Executive Council’s assessment is complete, it will transmit its recommendation to the Ministerial Council for decision.
Who are GPAI Experts?
GPAI includes opportunities for participation by a broad range of international experts from a variety of stakeholder groups, disciplines, and sectors, including science, industry, labour/trade union, civil society, international organisations, and the public sector. Experts appointed to participate formally in the Multistakeholder Expert Group and assigned thereafter to any Expert Working Groups or Projects will be referred to as “GPAI Experts”.
GPAI Experts participate in GPAI as individuals, and do not represent any organisation or country. GPAI Experts need not be nationals of GPAI Members. GPAI Experts are appointed by the Executive Council for three-year terms. GPAI Experts may be re-appointed to successive terms. Where a GPAI Expert is assigned to a Project that is ongoing at the time of the expiry of their term and they are not reappointed, the Steering Committee may decide to extend their appointment until the end of the Project. The maximum number of GPAI Experts serving at one time may not exceed six times the number of GPAI Members.
How can someone apply to be a GPAI Expert?
GPAI Experts may be nominated by Members or self-nominated. Each GPAI Member may nominate up to three GPAI Experts. Individuals with expertise relevant to AI that wish to be appointed as GPAI Experts may self-nominate by submitting a curriculum vitae and a statement of interest to the GPAI Secretariat comprising a letter setting out their reasons for seeking to participate in GPAI as well as confirmation that they support the shared values reflected in the OECD Recommendation on AI. The Executive Council appoints GPAI Experts on the basis of a recommendation by the Steering Committee.
Who are GPAI Observers and how are they selected?
International organisations focused on AI may be invited to send a representative to Ministerial Council, Executive Council, Multistakeholder Expert Group, or Expert Working Group meetings as Observers, either for a period of one year, or on an ad hoc basis for individual meetings or parts of meetings.
Individuals or representatives of other relevant organisations may be invited to observe Ministerial Council, the Executive Council, Steering Committee, or Multistakeholder Expert Group meetings, or parts thereof, on an ad hoc basis. The Executive Council will decide on inviting such Observers to Ministerial and Executive Council meetings. The Steering Committee will decide on inviting such Observers to the Multistakeholder Expert Group. The Expert Working Groups will decide on inviting Observers to their own meetings.
Observers will attend relevant meetings or parts thereof and may be invited by the Chair to speak, but will not take part in decision-making. Observership may be terminated by the Executive Council or the body that granted it at any time by two-thirds majority vote.
Your bridge to assistance
GPAI Secretariat
The GPAI Secretariat, based at OECD in Paris, backs the Council and Steering Committee, fostering links between technical work and global AI policy. It updates policy analysis and collaborates with relevant initiatives.