Nasscom Responsible AI Resource Kit

The Responsible AI Resource Kit is the culmination of a joint collaboration between Nasscom and leading industry partners to seed the adoption of responsible AI at scale.

The Resource Kit comprises sector-agnostic tools and guidance to enable businesses to leverage AI to grow and scale with confidence by prioritising user trust and safety.

To retain and improve the Kitʼs utility over time, Nasscom intends to maintain it as an evolving reference, progressively building on the latest research and best practices for responsible AI adoption generated by committed stakeholders from the industry, government, academia, think tanks, and civil society organisations, while recognising that responsible AI governance must lean on the precepts of multi-stakeholderism.


Responsible AI Principles

Inclusivity & Non-Discrimination

AI systems must be fair and inclusive, not fostering prejudices, discrimination or preference for an individual, a community or a group based on their sensitive attributes (e.g., race, gender, ethnicity).

Reliability & Safety

AI systems must produce consistent and reliable outputs in all scenarios. Appropriate grievance redressal mechanisms should be put in place to address cases of adverse impact.


AI systems should respect user privacy. Users’ right to know what data is collected, why it is collected and who has access to it should be protected. AI systems should not use the data for purposes other than what is stated.


AI system should be robust and secured against adversarial attacks and malicious use. Identifying and mitigating system vulnerabilities is critical.


AI systems should be transparent about how they were developed, their processes, capabilities and limitations, to the extent possible.


AI systems should be explainable to users significantly impacted by their decisions. Explanations must be provided free of cost in non-technical, intuitive language.


Organisational structures and policies should be created to clarify who is accountable for the outcomes of AI systems. Human supervisory control of AI systems is recommended.

Protection and Reinforcement of Positive Human Values

AI systems should be designed and operated such that they align with human values. AI should promote positive human values for the progress of humanity as a whole.


Throughout their lifecycle, AI systems should comply with all applicable laws, statutory standards, rules, and regulations – Organizations should be watchful of the evolving AI regulatory landscape and ensure compliance at all times.

Responsible AI Principles in Practice

Responsible AI Maturity Assessment

Enabling enterprises to independently assess and monitor the development and deployment of AI solutions for ethical compliance

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Governance Framework

Recommending management tools and structures for enterprises to assess and mitigate ethical risks arising from the deployment of AI solutions

Risk Identification and Assessment Tool

Enabling systematic monitoring and assessment of potential risks arising from enterprise AI adoption

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Principles and Points of Focus

Recommending points of focus for enterprises to implement responsible AI principles and mitigate ethical risks arising from AI adoption

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Ethics Committees

Proposing models in which ethics committees may be configured to maintain internal oversight of the development and deployment of enterprise AI solutions

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Architect’s Guide

Prescribing responsible AI best practices implementation methods and tools for enterprise adoption

Responsible AI Lifecycle

Illustrating adherence to responsible AI principles at each stage of the AI project value chain

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Understanding Human-Centered Design

Recommending guidelines for the adoption of a human-centered approach to building AI systems

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Envisioning and Impact Assessment

Providing high-level guidelines and recommendations for impact assessment of a system in its early stages

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Data Collection & Processing

Providing a primer on data bias and its common types, and proposing recommendations and best practices for responsible data collection and processing

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Providing primer on processes and tools to prototype a system for responsible release

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Recommending methods and techniques for model testing to ensure compliance with responsible AI principles

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Building AI for Production

Providing insights into challenges around model development with DevOps and recommending responsible ML toolkits as a superior alternative

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Recommending tools and best practices for responsible deployment of the system

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Recommending best practices for responsible monitoring of the deployed system

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Tools for Responsible AI

Discussing strategies and tools to mitigate privacy and security risks

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Case Studies

Demonstrating industry adoption of responsible AI

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Akbar Mohammed
Akbar Mohammed,

Architect, Fractal Analytics

Akshat Chaudhari
Akshat Chaudhari,

Customer Service Support Manager, Big Data, Microsoft

Amit Deshpande
Amit Deshpande

Researcher, Microsoft Research India

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar

Associate Director, Data Science and Machine Learning, Deloitte India

Anantha Sekar
Anantha Sekar

Product Management Group, Experience and Intelligence, Tata Consultancy Services

Anjali Pathak
Anjali Pathak

Product & Social Media Lead (IndiaAI), Nasscom

Ankit Bose
Ankit Bose

Head of AI, Nasscom

Aparna Gupta
Aparna Gupta

Executive Director, Customer Success, Microsoft

Balaji Ganesan
Balaji Ganesan

Senior Research Engineer, IBM Research

David George
David George

Director, Risk Advisory, Deloitte India

Deepak Vijaykeerthy
Deepak Vijaykeerthy

Research Engineer, Data and AI, IBM Research

Johar Batterywala
Johar Batterywala

Partner, Deloitte Haskins & Sells

Keerthana Kennedy
Keerthana Kennedy

Assistant Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services

Krutika Choudhary
Krutika Choudhary

Consultant, Fractal Analytics

Madhav Bissa
Madhav Bissa

Program Director, CoE for DSAI, Nasscom

Manish Kesarwani
Manish Kesarwani

Advisory Research Scientist, IBM Research

Mitesh Kapadia
Mitesh Kapadia

Associate Director, Analytics and Data Science, Deloitte

Payal Agarwal
Payal Agarwal

Partner, Deloitte

Pranay Lohia
Pranay Lohia

Senior ML Researcher, Microsoft

Rohini Srivathsa
Rohini Srivathsa

National Technology Officer, Microsoft India

Sagar Shah
Sagar Shah

Client Partner, Fractal Analytics

Sai Kavitha KrishnaIyengar
Sai Kavitha KrishnaIyengar

Director, Support Engineering, Microsoft

Sameep Mehta
Sameep Mehta

Distinguished Engineer, AI and Hybrid Data, IBM Research

Sangeeta Gupta
Sangeeta Gupta

Senior Vice President, Nasscom

Shweta Gupta
Shweta Gupta

Engineering Lead for Data and Analytics, Asia, Microsoft

Supriya Samuel
Supriya Samuel

Branding & Marketing Manager, Nasscom

Swapna Choudhury
Swapna Choudhury

Associate Director Deloitte India

Tarun Kumar
Tarun Kumar

Data Strategist, Nasscom

Vijay Arya
Vijay Arya

Senior Researcher, IBM Research

Raj Shekhar
Raj Shekhar

Responsible AI Lead, Nasscom