Results for tag ‘Deepmind’ (31)

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Bipin Sasi


Samiksha Mehra

Kumar Gandharv

Dr Nivash Jeevanandam...

Anjali Raja K

Pratik Gauri

Anjali Raja


Google faces 'innovator's dilemma as ChatGPT threatens search...

Innovator’s Dilemma is a term coined by Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, to describe the phenomenon of established companies failing to adopt new...
Article 3 Mins

Google Brain and Deepmind have merged to become “Google DeepMind”

Google announced Google DeepMind as part of its increased effort to lead the AI race.
News 3 Mins

Research spotlight: The art of blending deep learning with...

Algorithms have taken over the modern world, and they have become central particularly to our digital lives.
Article 4 Mins

DeepMind says "reward is enough" for AGI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology was created in the shadows of human intelligence. Computer scientists have designed and developed complex models and technologies to...

Key sectors where AI pushed the limits in 2021

So, here we listed some of the key areas where AI made huge inroads and introduced key advancements to help convert ideas into products.
Article 5 Mins

DeepMind’s new technique can train AI to avoid unsafe behaviours...

ReQueST is an algorithm introduced to make AI systems learn objectives from human feedback on hypothetical behaviours.
Article 5 Mins

Top three open-source language models

Language modelling is used in a variety of applications, including machine translation, speech recognition, question answering, and sentiment analysis.
Article 5 Mins

Training an AI model with "diverse" partners improves its...

AI research demonstrates that diversity promotes teamwork.
Article 4 Mins

Spain's Princess of Asturias Award Recognizes AI Pioneers

The Princess of Asturias Award for AI pioneers in Spain.
News 2 Mins

Apple's former AI chief Ian Goodfellow joins DeepMind

Ian Goodfellow joined as a research scientist in DeepMind.
News 2 Mins

Gato: The first model to play games and segment pictures without...

DeepMind has released Gato, the most general machine learning (ML) model.
Article 4 Mins

Yann LeCun takes the road untraveled to redefine the AI world

A recent study published by the MIT Technology Review looks back at the contributions of Yann LeCun.
Article 5 Mins

Libratus - A poker playing AI capable of defeating world-class...

In 2017, Libratus, an AI robot, beat four of the best poker players in the world in a three-week challenge at a Pittsburgh casino. It won $1.5 million in chips.
Article 4 Mins

Five best resources for reinforcement learning in 2022

In reinforcement learning, there is no right or wrong answer.
Article 4 Mins

Analyzing AlphaTensor's impact on future research and society

DeepMind's paper is a stepping stone to advancing science and unlocking the most fundamental problems using AI.
Article 4 Mins

Read and watch lectures to build a foundation

Vinayak Gupta is a research scientist at IBM.
Article 7 Mins

Interacting agents in virtual environments

DeepMind has published a paper showing their early work on video game AIs
Article 4 Mins

DeepNash, a new AI model by DeepMind, learns to play Stratego

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems that play video games have reached a new phase
News 3 Mins

Rise of Blockchain & AI Technology: What to expect from 2023?

Blockchain is considered a shared and permanent ledger that will be used for the encryption of data in the future. AI engine, on the other hand, enables an individual to analyze...
Article 5 Mins

How is AI used in the chemical industry?

This "Ask INDIAai" section allows users to post questions and receive responses.
Article 4 Mins