Results for tag ‘Cognitive NLP’ (13)

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Jibu Elias

KTP Radhika

Sindhuja Balaji


Animesh Samuel

Samiksha Mehra

Parul Saxena


Genesis Artificial Intelligence

Glib, a bot designing platform that supercharge your lending operations.


AlogonX provides automation consulting and design, implementation and developer training services.


Develops vision-based solutions.

Skill Alpha

Skills Alpha offers an AI-enabled skill learning platform that offers personalized learning experience to the employees and also helps in their career path.

BERT: Why its miniaturisation a game-changer in AI?

Making computer programs capable of understanding human languages has been considered a significant obstacle in creating truly intelligent machines, despite the recent...
Article 7 Mins

How IIT-M analysed union budget speech with AI

The tool was developed by a team of researchers including Prof. V. Kamakoti, R. Kaushik and P. Nagarajan
Article 4 Mins

vPhrase uses AI to combat fake news surrounding COVID19

With a significant part of the Indian population under lockdown, and spending more time reading and watching news, the unavoidable trap of fake news was bound to ensnare the...
Article 5 Mins

How AI helped this travel company enhance lead generation by...

Conversational AI is a game changer in business today. Almost every website today has, at the very least, a chatbot. Depending on the kind of business and degree of customer...
Article 4 Mins

Microsoft’s Custom Neural Voice now available, but with limited...

To create a custom voice, you can just record audio and upload it as training data
News 2 Mins

Chatbots are passe

As far as the AI is concerned chatbots were the lowest hanging fruit. Because it was really simple – train on utterances and corresponding intents.
Article 5 Mins

Natural Language Processing for improving accessibility for PWDs

“Alexa, call Mom” This may be a command that most people use sparingly, say when they’re driving or eating food, but there is a global community of over one billion disabled...
Article 4 Mins

Vernacular NLP: Bridging the gap between linguistic diversity...

We feel elated most of the time, seeing technological advancements. Every time we come across news around AI and related technologies such as NLP, we see the enormous scope they...
Article 5 Mins

Yellow Messenger

Yellow Messenger is the world's first cognitive engagement cloud, powering automation led by intelligent virtual assistants for 500+ clients globally